Written By:
Ingo Winzer, President
Local Market Monitor
Ingo Winzer, President
Local Market Monitor
in retail sales were flat again in June. What's going on here? I've been
harping on this for a few months but the picture still isn't clear. Is the lack
of growth in retail jobs an indicator that growth is slowing down? Or does it
just mean that we're buying more stuff on-line?
dollars, retail sales (including on-line) increased 4 percent in 2014, 3 percent
in 2015, 3 percent in 2016, and 4 percent so far this year. So, there isn't a
downward trend in spending, at least not in the past few years,. But this IS slower
spending than the 5 and 6 percent increases we used to have. What we're probably
seeing is a combination - more internet sales, but also a SHIFT in spending,
mainly by people whose income has been flat. Consider that 40 percent of
renters pay more than a third of their income for housing, and a bunch of the
rest now goes for phone and internet service.
of this doesn't completely answer our question, because the lack of new jobs in
retail - the lowest paying part of the economy - isn't being made up elsewhere.
While internet sales did increase, we're ALSO seeing a slowing of overall
growth. Jobs in June overall were up 1.5 percent from last year - flat in
manufacturing, retail and government, but up 3 percent in business services, 2
percent in healthcare, and 2 percent at restaurants.